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3 Strategies for Interior Designers to Grow Your Instagram Account in 2024

A minimalistic workspace setup with a clean, modern aesthetic. The scene features a white desk with various items arranged on it, including an open laptop, a glass of black coffee, a smartphone, a spiral notebook, and some scattered papers and photos. A stylish, woven-back chair is partially visible behind the desk. The background showcases a white wall adorned with a collage of black-and-white photos, adding a touch of creativity and inspiration to the space.


Instagram continues to be a powerful platform for both personal and business branding. With its visual appeal and broad reach, it's essential for growing your presence and connecting with your audience. However, as competition on Instagram increases, adopting effective strategies to stand out is crucial. At our agency, we manage Instagram accounts for interior designers and have seen great results with three key strategies: Create Reels, Collaborations, and Paid Ads. Let's dive into these strategies and how they can help you grow your account in 2024.

Create Instagram Reels Videos

Instagram Reels are a fantastic way to engage your audience and boost your visibility. These short, engaging videos have become incredibly popular and are prioritized in Instagram's algorithm, making them a valuable tool for increasing reach and engagement. We've seen firsthand how Reels can elevate our clients' accounts.

The benefits of Creating Reel Videos as an Interior Designer

Reels allow you to showcase your creativity in a fun and dynamic format. They are perfect for interior designers looking to highlight their work, share design tips, or provide a behind-the-scenes look at their projects. Reels are the best way to reach a new audience, as they get pushed to more non-followers than followers.

Tips for Creating Effective Instagram Reels

To create Reels that resonate with your audience, start by brainstorming content ideas that are both informative and entertaining. Think about sharing quick design tips, showcasing before-and-after transformations, or giving a sneak peek into your design process. Using trending music can significantly boost your Reels' visibility. Keep your Reels short and engaging to capture and retain viewer attention. Aim for high-quality visuals and concise, impactful messages to make the most out of each Reel.

Tools and Techniques for Creating Reels

There are several tools and techniques to help you create polished Reels. We like apps like Canva and Capcut for creating and editing.  Instagram has also enhanced the in-app Reels editor, which makes creating in the app easy. In addition, you can use templates to quickly and easily create Reel videos.  You can find templates on Instagram, and we also offer templates with content ideas and hooks.  Click HERE to check them out. 

After posting, remember to check Instagram Insights to analyze your Reels' performance. By looking at metrics like views, likes, and shares, you can discover which Reels are performing best and use them to plan future video content.

To learn more about creating Reels, check out this article for more detailed information.


Collaborations are a powerful strategy for expanding your reach and attracting new followers. By partnering with brands and vendors, you can reach new audiences and boost your credibility. This strategy has been highly effective for our interior designer clients.

Importance of Collaborations as an Interior Designer

Collaborations with brands and vendors can significantly expand your audience and add value to both parties. When you partner with complementary businesses, such as furniture stores, decor brands, or material suppliers, you both benefit from increased exposure and the opportunity to reach new potential clients.

Finding the Right Partners

Identify potential collaborators who align with your brand and audience. Look for brands and vendors within the interior design niche that share a similar aesthetic or target market. Approach them with personalized pitches highlighting mutual benefits and potential collaboration ideas.

Effective Collaboration Strategies for Instagram

To maximize the impact of your collaborations, focus on creating joint content that appeals to both audiences. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Joint Content Creation: Work together to create content that showcases your designs and their products. This could be styled photoshoots, behind-the-scenes videos, or co-authored blog posts.

  • Instagram Takeovers: Host takeovers where you feature the brand's products in your designs, and they showcase your work on their account. This cross-promotion can attract followers from both audiences.

  • Live Sessions: Host live sessions together, such as Q&A sessions, product demonstrations, or design tips. Engaging directly with your audience in real-time can build trust and excitement.

Instagram's collaboration feature makes it easier to work with other accounts. You can invite brands and vendors to co-author posts, making the collaboration visible to both your audiences. This feature allows you to tag your collaborator in the post, who can accept the collaboration. The post will appear on both of your profiles, doubling the exposure and engagement.

Using these strategies, you can create compelling, mutually beneficial collaborations that drive growth and engagement for your account and your partner. By leveraging the collaboration feature, you ensure that both parties get the maximum visibility from the partnership.

Paid Ads

Investing in Instagram ads can be a game-changer for growing your account. Paid ads allow you to reach a larger, targeted audience quickly and effectively. We've seen remarkable growth in engagement and followers for our clients through well-executed ad campaigns.

Why Use Paid Ads

Paid ads on Instagram are excellent for brand exposure and growing your following. They help increase visibility and reach, making your brand known to a wider audience. While ads are highly effective for promoting low-ticket services or products, it can be more challenging to convert someone to commit to a high-end or luxury service through a single ad. However, even for luxury services, ads play a crucial role in building brand recognition and planting the seeds for future engagements.

Creating Effective Ads

Design visually appealing and engaging ads by using high-quality images and videos that highlight your best work. Write compelling ad copy that clearly communicates the benefits of your services and includes a strong call to action. Use Instagram's ad targeting tools to ensure your ads reach the right audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

When creating ads, focus on the following elements to maximize their effectiveness:

  • Visual Appeal: Use eye-catching visuals that reflect your brand's style and quality.

  • Compelling Copy: Keep your message clear and concise, with a strong call to action that encourages users to learn more or follow your account.

  • Targeting: Leverage Instagram's advanced targeting options to reach users who are most likely to be interested in your services.

Measuring Ad Performance

Track your ad performance using Instagram Insights. Monitor key metrics such as reach, engagement, conversion rates, and ROI to evaluate your ad's effectiveness. For brand exposure and follower growth, please pay special attention to metrics like reach and engagement, as they indicate how many people are seeing and interacting with your ads. Based on this data, adjust your ad strategy to improve results. Experiment with different visuals, copy, and targeting options to find what works best for your audience.

By focusing on brand exposure and follower growth, paid ads can significantly enhance your Instagram presence. While it might take more effort to convert high-ticket clients, consistent ad campaigns will build recognition and trust over time, setting the stage for future engagements.


Growing your Instagram account as an interior designer in 2024 requires a strategic approach. By focusing on creating engaging Reels, collaborating with others, and investing in paid ads, you can significantly boost your visibility and reach. These strategies have proven successful for our interior designer management clients, and they can work for you, too. Start implementing these strategies today to see real growth in your Instagram presence. Stay consistent and be ready to adapt to Instagram's evolving features and trends.

Need help with marketing your design business? Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more social media tips and strategies. Check out our services if you need personalized help with your Instagram marketing. Let's make your Instagram account shine together!

Image of Lezlie Swink, founder and CEO of Swink Social Co, sitting at a desk with white tulips, working on a laptop comuputer


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